To Inspire Creativity & Individuality in each and every one of our students to support the aim of creating the ultimate Performing Arts Professional, that has 'Respect', 'Responsibility' and 'Resilience' alongside longevity within the industry!
MADD College - 'Where Passion & Creativity is Nurtured into Profession.'
MADD College has a long and proven track record of placing its graduates in some of the most high-profile roles within the industry both at home and around the globe!
At MADD College you won’t ever be a number! We believe in 'you' for the individual you actually are! You will be trained by some of the UK's leading industry professionals to become the very best version of yourself!
Contact us to see how MADD College can propel your Performing Arts Career today!
Every penny you donate helps our mission to deliver quality and affordable Dance & Musical Theatre
training to those who might not otherwise be able to obtain it.
Discover more about the courses provided at MADD that enable individuals to enter the Professional Dance and Performing Arts Industry to start and sustain a successful career.